Career Assessments

Need some help with your career plans? Not sure if your academic major is the right fit? Career assessments are an excellent place to start when making career choices such as choosing a major, exploring occupations, and determining a career plan.

The University Career Center offers five assessment options. More information for each is provided below. If you are not sure which would be best for you, give us a call at 785-864-3624. We would be happy to discuss options and assist you!

Assessment Options

PathwayU is an online assessment tool that can help guide you toward discovering purpose and meaning while exploring majors and occupations that align with your interests, personality, values, and workplace preferences.

PathwayU combines 4 self-assessments, career and major exploration, action planning and decision making in one comprehensive product.

Using this free online tool for KU students, you can:

  • Discover which careers would be a good fit
  • Review KU majors that can prepare you for specific careers
  • Find salary and job-demand information for popular occupations
  • Compare career options


  • Create a PathwayU account
  • Once you create your account you will get an email to activate it. Go to your email and confirm your account by clicking "Confirm Your Email"
  • Take each of the four assessments (Interests, Values, Personality, and Workplace Preferences)
  • Click on “Careers” to view suggested career paths based on your assessment results
  • View “My Journey” to explore additional steps
  • Schedule an appointment with a UCC Career Coach to continue exploring your options, 785-864-3624 or JayhawkGPS


SII is an excellent assessment to take when considering choosing a major and discovering new career paths, and the college profile recommends majors, internships and activities.

It takes approximately 30-45 minutes to complete and requires one follow-up appointment with a career coach to discuss your results.  Please call 785-864-3624 to schedule an appointment.

The cost is $20.00. Once you pay for the assessment, you will receive further instructions.

TruTalent is a personality assessment that provides feedback about your patterns of behavior, your work preferences and a list of careers suited for your personality type. It assists in career planning by providing information about what personality types are most often represented in different career fields 

It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, and the results are available immediately.

The cost is $20.00. Once you pay for the assessment, you will receive further instructions.

We recommend scheduling an appointment with a career coach to discuss your results and next steps. Please call 785-864-3624 to schedule an appointment.

CliftonStrengths for Students (formerly StrengthsQuest) helps students recognize their unique talents and learn how these talents can be used in their everyday lives to maximize their potential for personal growth and career satisfaction.

Takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and results will be released to you immediately after completion. You are strongly encouraged to schedule a follow up appointment with a career coach to discuss the results.  Please call 785-864-3624 to schedule an appointment.

You will need to print your results and bring them to your appointment.

The cost is $19.99 and is processed through CliftonStrengths for Students. You will choose "individual" and quantity "1" after clicking the link. Then "Add to Cart." From there, you will proceed to checkout.

If you have any difficulties paying for or completing the CliftonStrengths for Students assessment, please contact CliftonStrengths for Students.

HawkQuest is a free skill-based quiz that evaluates activities in which you think you would like to participate in a future career. It provides information on careers and KU majors you may want to consider based on your answers.

The informal quiz takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and results will show up after you complete the quiz and will also be emailed to you. We recommend scheduling an appointment with a career coach to discuss your results and next steps. Please call 785-864-3624 to schedule an appointment.