Phog photo

Professional Clothing Closet

The Professional House of Garments, aka The P.H.O.G., provides a way for students to access free professional and business casual attire appropriate for career fairs, interviews, and the workplace.

Visit The P.H.O.G. for suits, blazers, skirts, button-down shirts, and more to help you look your best and make a lasting positive impression as you enter the professional world.


The professional clothing closet is available to current KU students Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. Check in at the front desk in 206 Summerfield Hall. Check in prior to 4:30 pm so you have time to look.

Clothing Donations

Acceptable items include full suits, jackets/blazers, professional shirts, slacks, skirts, professional dresses, ties, briefcases, portfolios and dress shoes in good condition. Students prefer suits/jackets in navy, dark blue, gray or black. No donations in beige or brown, please.  Donations may be dropped off at Summerfield Hall, Room 206, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm.

Items we cannot accept are tuxedos/formal wear, casual slacks (chinos, those with elastic waists), sporting attire, polo shirts, denim, or jewelry. 

Career Opportunities Fund

  • The Career Opportunities Fund accepts donations to support The P.H.O.G. clothing closet and other career initiatives for KU students.

Free Food Resource

  • Location: 4th floor, Kansas Union. All KU students, faculty, staff, and community members are welcome to free meals, ingredients, snacks, and produce.

Frequently Asked Questions

The limit is five items per academic year.

No, you are welcome to keep the items you select from The P.H.O.G.

No, you are welcome to use The P.H.O.G. for any career-related obligation, including networking events, interviews, starting a new job, career fairs, and more.

All current KU students have access to The P.H.O.G., regardless of degree level or major.


 Yes. You can either check out our resources on professional image, or make an appointment with one of our Career Advisors for additional help.

Current KU students can utilize The P.H.O.G. for free!

Yes, you may ask for a receipt when you drop off donations in Summerfield Hall, Room 206.