Online Image

Your online presence can be a valuable part of your job search. Employers look online to recruit new hires and gather information about potential employees, and job seekers can expand their professional network by using sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. With that in mind, it's important to take the time to make sure your online image is professional. 

Do some self-editing 

  • Delete inactive accounts you no longer use and remove any potentially offensive or controversial content.
  • Ask your connections to remove any inappropriate content about you from their sites and request that they refrain from posting similar content in the future.
  • Revisit your account and privacy settings; limit who can find you and what others can see. 

Build your personal brand 

  • Brainstorm unique talents, qualities, knowledge, and accomplishments that will make you an asset to potential employers.
  • Develop a strategy to promote your brand to your professional audience.
  • Establish a presence on sites where you know professionals in your field tend to spend time.
  • Complete a profile on LinkedIn; Follow these helpful guides on how to build a complete profile (pdf) and how to network effectively (pdf) on the site.
  • Utilize other social media sites and blogs to further develop and promote your brand.
  • Google search your name regularly and set up Google alerts for your name and contact information to stay up to date on what employers might find when they search for you online.