Part-Time Student Jobs
Both on-campus and off-campus student jobs are available to KU students. Our goal is to assist University of Kansas students in obtaining employment while they are attending KU, so they can earn money for college, develop new job skills, build a resume and gain valuable professional experience.
Off-Campus Student Jobs
The job location and development (JLD) program sponsored by the University Career Center (UCC) and the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships locates and develops off-campus job opportunities (full or part-time, seasonal, or temporary) in Lawrence, Topeka and the Kansas City Metropolitan area. All off campus student jobs are posted in HireJayhawks.
Off-Campus Student Jobs Newsletter
Want to stay updated on the latest off-campus student job postings? Subscribe to the off-campus student jobs newsletter and receive a weekly email with new position announcements. You can click on any of the jobs listed in the newsletter and log in to HireJayhawks with your KU online ID and password to view jobs represented in the newsletter as well as others listed in the system.
Additional Campus Opportunities
All student jobs at the University of Kansas are posted on KU Employment. Other campus positions can be found at:
- KU Athletics
- KU Endowment
- Kansas Union (KU Bookstore, KU Dining and more)
- KU Medical Center
NOTICE: Federal Work Study is managed by the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships, / 785-864-4700.