Career Advising Appointments

Student meeting with career advisor

Career Advisors Help You…

  • Discover interests
  • Develop skills
  • Find experiences
  • Establish connections

Appointment Types

  • Get assistance completing your HireJayhawks profile
  • Discuss ways to use UCC resources
  • Initial major/career exploration
  • Join a Student Pathway
  • Determine how your interests and skills relate to careers
  • Learn what job opportunities exist based on majors, interests, or industries
  • Review career assessment results
  • Start a resume/curriculum vita
  • Revise an existing resume/CV
  • Target your resume/CV to a specific job/internship/etc.
  • Get an overview of the purpose of cover letters
  • Start or revise a cover letter
  • Target your cover letter to a specific job/internship/etc.
  • Receive feedback on your cover letter format and content
  • Identify professionals working in careers you want to explore
  • Learn resources (e.g., KU Mentoring+, LinkedIn, career fairs) to connect with professionals
  • Draft messaging for contacting faculty, staff, employers, and more for career-related needs
  • Discover what informational interviews are and how they can help you
  • Discuss internship types and components of a strong internship
  • Review resources to help with internship searches
  • Begin the search process with guidance from a career coach
  • Discuss what happens during the typical interview process
  • Find out common tips and techniques for interviewing
  • Understand how to research organizations
  • Practice answering and asking interview questions
  • Receive real-time feedback
  • Develop strategies for answering difficult questions
  • Gain confidence in interviewing skills
  • Determine a “job target” to help with your search
  • Learn about tools & resources to conduct a job search
  • Discuss common job search barriers & solutions
  • Begin/continue your job search with a career coach
  • Get answers to questions about the application process
  • Find opportunities for healthcare experience within Lawrence & surrounding areas
  • Review content for your personal statement
  • Practice a simulated interview with targeted questions for med school
  • Explore graduate school application process & timeline
  • Receive help determining whether to go to grad school
  • Get feedback on admission essay/personal statement content
  • Use online resources to research graduate schools & programs
  • Recognize your role in the job acceptance conversation
  • Practice how to navigate salary conversations
  • Find credible salary information to use when negotiating

Featured Resources


Virtual and In-Person Appointments

  • University Career Center
  • 206 Summerfield Hall
  • Monday-Friday, 8am to 5pm

In-Person Drop-in Hours (Academic Year)

  • University Career Center
  • 206 Summerfield Hall
  • Monday-Friday, 11am to 1pm

Make an Appointment

  • Online Scheduling System:  JayhawkGPS
  • Call:  785-864-3624 (Leave a message if you don't reach us. We will call you back ASAP.)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Career Exploration & Engagement: Whether you know what job you want after graduation or you don’t know what options exist, career advisors guide you through conversations to explore your interests. You can learn about career assessments, volunteer/shadowing opportunities, internship search resources, and more.
  • Graduate School Exploration & Preparation: Do you have an interest in continuing your education or have you found out your career requires a graduate degree? Career advisors meet with students to help you learn what steps are needed to apply to graduate school and receive help with the application process, such as identifying colleges offering your desired graduate program, learning about experiential components of admission requirements (e.g., shadowing hours), practicing admission interviews, and drafting a personal statement.
  • Job & Internship Preparation: Are you looking for a part-time job while you’re in school or searching for a full-time position after graduation? Meet with a career advisor to get help preparing your job-search tools (e.g., resume and cover letter), tips for job searching, practice mock interviews, ways to build connections in your field through networking, and salary negotiation resources.

Note: If you need assistance declaring a major or choosing classes, schedule an appointment with your academic advisor.

Career advisors are available to meet with you virtually (Zoom or Phone) or In-Person. Head to JayhawkGPS to schedule an appointment now. See below for detailed instructions.

  1. Log into JayhawkGPS.
  2. Click “Dropin or Schedule Appointment”.
  3. Select Career Services for the type of appointment.
  4. Select the Topic under your Career Service Office.

    Note: Choose the “Career Services Office” that matches your major interest.

    Business major? – select “Business Career Services”

    Engineering major? – select “Engineering Career Center”

    All others – select “University Career Center”

  5. Select a Date and click Find Available Time.

    Note: More appointment times may be available than are represented online. If you don't see a time online that will work for you, please call 785-864-3624!

  6. Fill in the requested information and submit.

Note: Once you make an appointment, you will receive an email confirmation and another email that provides you with instructions for connecting with your career advisor.

Appointments can be cancelled or rescheduled through JayhawkGPS

All undergraduate students, graduate students, and alumni! Whether you know your major or are still deciding, you can use the University Career Center’s services. 

Note: If you are majoring in Journalism, Business, or Engineering, your professional school also has a career center. 

Any of them. All career advisors are cross trained, meaning they are knowledgeable about each appointment type and can assist any KU student. 

You should meet with a career advisor as early as your first semester freshman year to start your career exploration. Then, at least once an academic year. 

Check in at Room 206 Summerfield Hall and let the person at the front desk know that you want to go in the PHOG. They’ll give you brief directions from there. 

Meet Our Career Advisors