Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff are indispensable to student career success. Your classrooms are where they learn the skills and knowledge that they will take with them into any number of career paths, and faculty are often the first people they turn to when students have questions about their career options.
We are here to help faculty support career readiness in their classrooms and connect students to the resources they need. We offer classroom workshops, faculty resources, and 1:1 support with our Manager of Academic Engagement, Greta Perel. After exploring the resources in the drop-down menus below, simply click the “UCC Request Form” to the right and get started.
{ Building Career Skills in the Classroom } “All of my students are passionate about what they learn in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies classes, but many seem to think that other majors are more practical or marketable. I’ve brought UCC into my classes to dispel this assumption by showing students how to find job opportunities that match their interests and how to pitch their skills to potential employers. In addition to building career skills, students leave these sessions more confident in their academic work.” ~Dr. Stacey Vanderhurst, WGSS
Career Service in the Classroom Options
Syllabus Language
We provide two syllabus blurbs, simplified and extended, to copy/paste directly into your syllabi.
Simplified Syllabus Statement:
The UCC offers individualized career advising consultations to assist KU students during each step of the career exploration and planning process. To get started with a career advisor, visit Jayhawk GPS or call 785-864-3624 to schedule an in-person, virtual, or phone appointment. To learn more, go to career.ku.edu for more information about online resources and career events.
Extended Syllabus Statement:
The UCC offers individualized career advising consultations to assist KU students during each step of the career exploration and planning process, ranging from career exploration, resume and cover letter reviews, mock interviews, finding and applying for jobs and internships, and networking assistance. UCC advisors are available for in-person, virtual, and telephone appointments. To make an appointment with a career advisor, visit Jayhawk GPS or call 785-864-3624. By joining one of the Student Pathways, you’ll receive curated job and internship postings, event invitations, employer profiles, and industry-specific resources delivered to your inbox twice a month. More career resources, including links to career fairs and listings, are available at career.ku.edu
Jayhawk Ready Modules for Canvas
The UCC created a library of canvas modules faculty can import directly into their course sites, found at the “JayhawkReady” Canvas site:
When a faculty member uploads the module to their canvas course, it will automatically create the module and the respective assignments; however, everything in the module is optional and customizable, and faculty can also adjust assignments or activities to count towards the final grade (or not).
On the home page, the four categories of modules include topics such as:
- Resumes
- Interviewing
- Networking
- Researching Employers
- Internships and Experiential Learning
- Salary Negotiation
To embed these Modules:
- Go to Canvas
- Click on “commons”
- In the search bar, type in “JayhawkReady”
- Click on desired module
- Click “import/download”; and select destination course
- Click “import into course”
For technical assistance with the UCC Canvas modules, please contact Tracy Runck. For general technical assistance with Canvas please click refer to the Canvas help site.
Pre-Recorded Presentations
Embed a 30 to 40-minute pre-recorded presentation: These presentations provide a broad overview of the career topic and introduce pertinent UCC services and resources and details on upcoming events and programs. Please contact Dr. Greta Perel to request a link or embed code to easily upload a presentation to your Canvas site.
List of Standard Presentations
- Getting Started: UCC Overview: Using the UCC Resources and recommendations for starting your career planning journey!
- Resume for Results: Covering the basics of good resume construction, including skills that employers seek, tips for formatting, and activities on describing skills.
- Acing the Interview: Provides a thorough foundation of interviewing basics including preparation and research methods, answering techniques, and tips for following up.
- Mastering the Job Search: How to focus a job search, gain experiences, establish connections, find job openings, and manage the job search process.
- Demystifying Internships: Provides a foundation for internship exploration, ranging from discovering what internships are (and are not), types of internships, and how to find an internship.
- Personal Branding and LinkedIn: This presentation provides a definition of corporate and personal branding while teaching students how to develop and maintain their own personal brand. We will discuss how to craft social media images and teach the students the intricacies of LinkedIn.
- Career Readiness: Students will learn about the eight core skills that employers look for when hiring new employees. This presentation sets students up for workplace success and lifelong career management.
In-class workshops are dynamic, interactive, and in-person experiences that allow students to apply career concepts to either a case study or their own materials. To ensure students get the most out the workshop, we recommend assigning a pre-recorded (and short) overview presentation prior to the workshop. We request that faculty are present and engaged in the workshop.
Below is a list of available topics and materials students should bring in advance - in most cases, a laptop will suffice. To request a workshop please use the workshop request form.
- Effective Resumes
- Nailing the Interview
- LinkedIn Ready
- TruTalent Workshop
- Overview of UCC Services
The UCC offers events to assist students with career exploration, networking, and job/internship search. Faculty can encourage attendance by assigning an event as an assignment or incentivizing students with extra credit. To ensure capacity for supporting your students, please contact Dr. Greta Perel. For more information about individual events, here are all the career center events.
The following options are available to students:
- Career Fairs
The UCC offers multiple industry-focused career fairs as well as fairs suitable for every student and major throughout the semester. Students attending can have their attendance noted and verified by career services staff. - Career Community Programs
These programs help students gain valuable networking and relationship-building experience within specific industries and collaborative campus and community partners. If you have a KU career event you would like to share, please contact kucareer@ku.edu. - Beyond KU Series
These online panel presentations are designed to broaden student perspectives on career pathways. Students gain a unique perspective on a variety of careers within a field or industry from KU alumni and working professionals. Post-event recordings are also available.
- Mocktails & Mingle
These events help students get started with networking. KU alumni and area working professionals meet and greet students in a casual setting. Light appetizers and a mocktail are provided. Co-sponsored by KU Alumni Association.
- Career Readiness Programs
The UCC offers special events throughout the academic year to help students effectively articulate their strengths and skills. Examples include resume reviews, mock interviews, and the "Recruiter in Residence" program.
The UCC offers services to assist students with career advising, career exploration, resume reviews, and online-mock interviews Faculty can encourage attendance by assigning a service as an assignment or incentivizing students with extra credit. To ensure capacity for supporting your students, please let us know if you plan to assign a UCC service by contacting Dr. Greta Perel, kucareer@ku.edu.
- Career Advising Appointments: In these 30 or 60-minute appointments, students will connect with a career advisor on a variety of career topics. The Getting Started appointment is ideal for class assignments - students will learn about career tools and resources such as HireJayhawks and Student Pathways. Here are a complete list of advising appointments.
- PathwayU is an online assessment tool that allows students to independently explore majors and occupations aligned with their interests and values. Students complete four assessments (Values, Interests, Personality, and Workplace Preferences) in 15 to 25 minutes.
- Resume Dropbox: Students submit resumes via a digital Resume Dropbox for a quick and basic review of format, spelling, and overall effectiveness. Reviewers email feedback and may suggest following up with a career advisor. We do not make specific changes to resumes submitted.
- HireJayhawks Mock Interview: Using HireJayhawks, students can record an online mock interview using pre-recorded interview questions or faculty-designed questions. Career advisors or faculty can evaluate the interviews.
- PHOG: The Professional House of Garments provides students access to free professional and business casual attire appropriate for career fairs, interviews, and the workplace. Open Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm at 206 Summerfield Hall. Limit five items per academic year.
Sign up for HireJayhawks Account
By signing up for an account, faculty and staff can search for jobs and internships, view employer information, access upcoming career events, and receive one or more of our newsletters:
- Faculty/Staff Newsletter: This newsletter is exclusively for Directors of Undergraduate Studies, Undergraduate Coordinators, and faculty/staff partners. These monthly, super-short newsletters are designed to make it easy for you to stay posted on University Career Center (UCC) opportunities, events, and support students' career development and retention for your department
- Hawk Hustles: Bi-weekly newsletter with jobs and internships, workshops and events, and curated career information for each of the six Student Pathways.
- Internship Newsletter: Weekly newsletter with the latest internships positions posted in HireJayhawks.
Fill out this form for newsletter subscriptions. To unsubscribe, please email us and specify the newsletters you no longer wish to receive.
One-on-One Consultation
Faculty members meet one-on-one with our team to learn about how the faculty member can incorporate skills and career-based learning outcomes into their classroom. Some typical discussion points are: What would work best for your students; what resources do we have that can help your class; and how to use the classroom and/or Canvas effectively. To initiate a consultation, please contact our Manager of Academic Engagement, Dr. Greta Perel.
Department Meeting Presentation
Our staff can meet with a group of faculty to provide a succinct 10 – 15-minute presentation about how the UCC can partner with your department to provide tips on adding UCC resources to your undergraduate classrooms and providing skills-based and career-based knowledge for your students. We are happy to visit your department meeting or a teaching retreat. Please contact Dr. Greta Perel for more information.
Refer a Student
If a student has approached you for career planning advice, and you would like us to support your efforts, we would be very happy if you referred them to the UCC. Examples of the various assistance our career advisors can offer include: Career choices, skills, resumes, and interviewing. If you send them an email suggestion or speak to them in person, please tell them to visit career.ku.edu, call 785-864-3624, or go to Jayhawk GPS to schedule an appointment.