Computer Science

Computer scientists study the very nature of computing and information in order to advance the state of the art. They often specialize in software design and implementation through web development, interface design, mobile computing, and other areas. Computer scientists address fundamental computing problems, such as the efficient and secure collection of information. From medicine and business to video games and films, they are devising new ways to use computers. Integrating the theoretical aspects of computing with real-world applications offers an array of industry and research opportunities for computer scientists.

Computer Science Department website

Sample of Related Skills

  • Demonstrate proficiency in the underlying infrastructure of information systems and computer networks
  • Structure, collect, and analyze data to support business operations and strategic decision making 
  • Select, implement, and operate information technology solutions to meet organizational requirements 
  • Demonstrate a proficiency in the tools, techniques, processes, and success factors related to effective management of IT projects 
  • Report and strategically analyze data 
  • Present ideas for systems improvements, including cost proposals
  • Work closely with analysts, designers and staff
  • Produce detailed specifications and write program codes

Popular Career Paths

Software Development: Involves playing a key role in the design, installation, testing and maintenance of software systems to help businesses be more efficient and provide a better service

Systems Management: Includes the administration of the information technology systems in an enterprise data center by facilitating the delivery of IT as a service and allowing the organization's employees to respond to changing business requirements 

Computer Support: Involves monitoring and maintaining the computer systems and networks of an organization, including installing and configuring computer systems, diagnosing hardware and software faults and solving technical and applications problems, either over the phone or in person

Computer Systems Analysis: Includes studying an organization’s current computer systems and procedures and designing information systems solutions to help the organization operate more efficiently and effectively

Information Securities: Involves planning and carrying out security measures to protect an organization’s computer networks and systems

Jobs to Consider

Places to Seek Employment

  • Consulting Firms
  • Consumer Electronic Companies
  • Defense Firms
  • Universities & Colleges
  • Government Agencies
  • Non-Profit Organizations
  • Religious Organizations
  • Hospitals
  • Information Technology Companies
  • Freelance Employment
  • Companies (all sizes)
  • Software Companies
  • View specific employers by state.

Explore More Career Resources

Computer Jobs (IT) - job board for Information technology positions

Dice - technology job board that features entry level positions

IEEE  - job board sponsored by the IEEE professional organization