2020 Volunteer Fair
September 3, 2020 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Come attend the Virtual Volunteer Fair on Thursday, September 3rd from 10AM-3PM! This event kicks off the school year by bringing KU students together with some amazing local organizations.
Included in the fair will be organizations offering post-graduate volunteer opportunities and Lawrence community organizations offering volunteer opportunities to students. This is a great chance for students to explore a variety of volunteer positions and visit with organizations about their needs. Come explore and start volunteering!
- Boy Scouts of America: http://www.hoac-bsa.org
- Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence: http://www.bgclk.org
- Bridging the Gap: https://bridgingthegap.org/
- Catholic Charities of Northeast KS: https://catholiccharitiesks.org/
- Global Ministries: https://www.umcmission.org/serve-with-us/global-mission-fellows
- Harvesters Community Food Network: https://www.harvesters.org/Give-Time/AmeriCorps-Service-for-Harvesters
- Kansas Suicide Prevention HQ: http://ksphq.org/
- KVC: http://www.kvcks.org
- Language Services and Cultural Equity Department, Kansas City Public Schools (Missouri): http://www.kcpublicschools.org
- Lawrence Hidden Valley Committee: http://www.friendshv.org
- MOPS River City Church: http://www.mops.org
- NPH USA: http://nph.org/volunteers
- One Heart Project: http://www.oneheart.com/kcmi
- Peace Corps: http://www.peacecorps.gov
- Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kansas City: http://www.rmhckc.org
- Rose Brooks Center: http://www.rosebrooks.org
- Safehome, Inc.: https://safehome-ks.org/
- TFI Family Services: http://www.tfifamily.org
- The Sewing Labs: http://www.thesewinglabs.community
- United Way of Douglas County: http://www.volunteerdouglascounty.org
- Alternative Breaks: http://www.kuab.org
- Center for Community Outreach: http://cco.ku.edu
- Gift of Life Marrow Registry: http://www.campusambassador.rog
- League Women Voters Lawrence Douglas County: http://www.lawrenceleague.com