2021 Part Time Job Fair
Attend the Part-Time Job Fair on Thursday, August 26th from 10AM-3PM! This Hawk Week event kicks off the school year by bringing KU students together with local companies. This event will be held in person at the Kansas Memorial Union!
Are you interested in working while going to school? Getting a part time job allows you to earn extra money for college, build your resume, develop new job skills, and gain valuable professional experience.
To see which companies will be attending, click here!
To find more information about the event, including tips and tricks on how to use Career Fair Plus, visit the Part Time Job Fair web page.
Are you looking for hard working employees? Do you need to promote your brand? Do you have a lot of shifts you need to fill for your company? Come register and have the chance to virtually meet over 1,000 KU students who are looking for part time job opportunities!
Registration Information
Off Campus Employer - $100 registration fee
On-Campus KU Employer - Fee waived
Featured Employers
// Rock Chalk Employers //
// Crimson Employers //
// Blue Employers //