One Stop Prep Shop

Wed, 01/31/2024


Janki Tarun Desai


January 25th & 31st | 2:00PM-4:00PM | Summerfield Hall


If you're planning on attending the Career & Internship Expo on February 7th, you won't want to miss this opportunity! Join the University Career Center for One Stop Prep Shop, a workshop designed to help prepare Jayhawks for upcoming career fairs! You will get the chance to meet with career advisors and learn skills for a successful job/internship search. We're hosting two workshops this month!

Workshop Sessions:

  • January 25th | 2:00PM to 4:00PM | 1st Floor Summerfield (Hawk's Nest)
  • January 31st | 2:00PM to 4:00PM | 206 Summerfield

What to bring:

  • Your Laptop
  • Your Resume (if you have one)
  • Questions you have about the Career & Internship Expo

Wed, 01/31/2024


Janki Tarun Desai