Global Studies
Below are sample lists of careers and majors commonly associated with Global Studies. Please remember, many careers do not require a specific major; rather, employers are often more interested in the experiences you have had and the skills, interests, abilities, and strengths you have developed through these experiences that enhance your academic program. Use the links below to explore careers and majors.
- African & African American Studies
- Anthropology
- Classics
- Foreign Languages and Cultures
- Geography
- Global & International Studies
- History
- Jewish Studies
- Linguistics
- Political Science
- Religious Studies
- Social Work
- Activist, Advocate/Organizer
- Advocate
- Applied Anthropologist
- Applied Linguist
- Archeologist
- Archivist
- Art Conserver
- Attorney
- Biological Anthropologist
- Camp Director (faith-based)
- Campus Ministry Coordinator
- Cartographer
- Case Worker
- Claims Adjuster/Examiner/Investigator
- Climatologist
- Clinical Social Worker
- Collections Manager
- Conservation/Preservation Specialist
- Conservator
- Corporate Trainer
- Legislative Issues Manager
- Cultural Anthropologist
- Cultural Resource Manager
- Curator
- Customs Officer
- Diplomat
- Director of Visitor Services
- Ecologist
- Economist
- Editor
- Education Coordinator
- Emergency Services Manager
- English or Foreign Language Instructor
- Environmental Manager
- Environmentalist
- Equal Employment Opportunity Officer
- English or Foreign Language Instructor
- Exhibit Designer
- Flood Manager
- Foreign Exchange Trader
- Foreign Service Officer
- Foundation President
- Freelance Writer
- Fundraising/Development Officer
- GIS Specialist
- Grant Writer
- Historian
- Historical Archeologist
- Human Rights Advocate
- Intelligence Specialist/Analyst
- International Correspondent
- International Relations Specialist
- Interpretive Guide
- Journalist
- Labor Relations Specialist
- Lawyer - International, Travel, or Immigration Law
- Legislative Analyst / Coordinator
- Librarian/Information Specialist
- Linguist
- Linguistic Anthropologist
- Lobbyist
- Marketing Manager
- Market Researcher
- Medical Anthropologist
- Museum Exhibit Designer
- Museum Registrar
- Museum Technician
- Music Director
- Paleoanthropologist
- Paralegal
- Physical Anthropologist
- Policy Researcher/Analyst
- Politician
- Practicing Anthropologist
- Preparator
- Project Development Officer
- Public Health Educator
- Public Relations Specialist
- Researcher
- Research Analyst
- Social Anthropologist
- Social Worker - Immigrant Populations
- Student Affairs Administrator
- Study Abroad Coordinator
- Teacher/Faculty
- Tour Guide
- Trade Specialist
- Training Specialist
- Translator/Interpreter
- Transportation Manager
- Travel Agent
- Travel Journalist
- Urban Park Ranger
- Urban Planner/Community Developer
- Voice and Dialect Coach
- Writer/Researcher
- Youth Service Worker